7Q Babe, @tanamongeau receiving the non-surgical Sculptra BBL with Injector Lilia!

7Q Spa is considered the #1 MedSpa in the nation for all Sculptra® procedures including the popular Sculptra® Butt Lift! This is is the perfect treatment for filling, reshaping, and lifting the booty, while keeping a maintaining a natural appearance!

Sculptra® is a bio stimulator that gradually lifts, firms, tones, and adds volume. This injectable is ideal for patients that aren’t considered a candidate for a surgical BBL. Sculptra® can be used to add volume to the face, buttocks, thighs, etc.

Butt Lift

Sculptra Butt Lift is used to thicken the skin and stimulate collagen growth using a series of injections. The Sculptra Butt Lift procedure uses simple and painless injections under the skin during a quick 30-minute treatment. Sculptra works over time, gradually thickening the skin up to four times, thereby adding a visible volume increasing effect to the buttocks area. A Sculptra Butt Lift does not require liposuction because the injected material is the dermal collagen stimulator. Sculptra requires several treatments generally one month apart and results improve over time. The results will generally last two to three years.

Perhaps the most striking difference between the Sculptra Butt Lift and the Brazilian Butt Lift is that Sculptra is a non-surgical procedure and there is no downtime involved. Sculptra Butt Lift requires only simple and painless injections under the skin during a quick 30-minute treatment. It is a great alternative to the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure for leaner patients that don’t have quite enough extra fat to transfer. Sculptra works over time, gradually thickening the skin up to four times, thereby adding a visible volume increasing effect to the buttocks area. Since the early 2010s, there has perhaps been no procedure that has grown at the phenomenal rate of the Brazilian Butt Lift, largely due to Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé and JLo. The fact that this procedure that emulates the Brazilian Butt Lift for leaner patients should, perhaps, not be surprising. At their core, Brazilian Butt Lift and Sculptra Butt Lift are designed to do two different things. A Brazilian Butt Lift can generate enhanced effects, where as a Sculptra Butt Lift can create a subtle but important impact. As such, the two procedures use different approaches and Sculptra is used if someone has inadequate fat to transfer yet wants to add volume to the butt area.

During a Brazilian Butt Lift, the first step is liposuction. Fat is removed from a target area with excess fat. The removed fat is then injected into the buttocks. The results are long-lasting and, often, quite bold. A Sculptra Butt Lift does not require liposuction because the injected material is the dermal collagen stimulator rather than a fat graft. The advantage here is that there is no need for even minimally invasive surgery, and therefore no anesthetic is required. (Patients are sometimes given a topical numbing agent to combat any discomfort.) The results tend to be gradual and subtle, with no recovery needed. Sculptra requires several treatments generally one month apart and results improve over time. The results will generally last two to three years. This makes Sculptra Butt Lift ideal for patients who want natural results, don’t have time for recovery, or don’t have areas of fat large enough to perform liposuction.

  • No surgery or anesthesia
  • Subtle, natural looking results
  • Limited interruption to your daily life
  • Procedure can be accomplished in as little as 30 minutes
  • Provides lift and volume to the buttocks area
  • Sculptra is a widely used and many candidates will be a good fit for the Sculptra Butt Lift. You’re an ideal candidate if you have:
  • A desire to increase the volume, size or roundness of the buttocks without undergoing a procedure or surgery
  • A desire for long term but not permanent results (the results will last up to two years)
  • A desire to bring proportion and contouring to the buttocks area
  • A desire to bring a subtle lift to the buttocks area
  • Realistic expectations about what this procedure can accomplish
  • Patience! Patience! Patience! Sculptra is progressive and builds over time.

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